


To export existing data from ANTEROS, whether to use it in other applications or to perform a backup, select "Export" from the "Import-Export" menu.

Standard Export Data

You can control the export by specifying the following (each selection influences the next selection list).

Export type: The export type determines which type of data is to be exported. The following types are available:
  • Excel/CSV export of data objects with filter 
  • Excel/CSV export of data objects
  • Excel/CSV export of categories
  • Excel/CSV export of parameter definitions
  • Excel/CSV export of media objects
  • Excel/CSV export of dictionary entries
  • GOM-XML export of categories
  • GOM-XML export of media objects
  • GOM-XML export of product types
  • GOM-XML export of data objects
  • GOM-XML export of parameter definitions
  • GOM-XML export of publications
  • GOM-XML export of structured types
  • GOM-XML export of dictionary entries
  • Mapping export
  • Media object variant download
  • Data object translation export
  • Translation export
Format: The format determines the file format into which the selected data is converted. The following formats are available:
  • Microsoft Excel 2007 or later (*.xlsx, .xlsm)
  • Microsoft Excel 97-2003 (*.xls)
  • Comma separated values (*.csv)
  • Tab separated values (*.tsv)
  • Normal Text (*.txt)
Export profile: Export profiles are specifically managed for the selected data type. Different data is exported depending on the export profile. The profile "Basic data" only contains the data "Code", "Sort criterion", "Creation date" and "Change date". You can select one of the standard export profiles or custom profiles from the drop-down list, edit an existing profile using the pencil icon (excluding the standard export profiles), or create a new export profile using the new icon. If you delete an export profile or make a private export profile public, the old profile is completely deleted.
Note: The drop-down list only shows 10 export profiles at a time; you can access the next 10 profiles in the list via the small arrow icon at the bottom right, and the 10 before that via the arrow at the top right.

Data filtering

When exporting data objects with filters, it is possible to export products using multiple codes.

In the export form you can specify values for a selectable field, e.g. you can copy many article numbers from an Excel file and paste them here as a filter.
You can also set other fields or parameters for filtering. Please contact your INCONY contact person if necessary.

Compared to the extended search with multiple values, you have the advantage that you can enter as many values as you like.

Data Constraints

  • Data type (only when exporting objects): Here you specify the type of objects you want to export. You can choose between product data, user data, index data and master data. If you select user or master data, you also have the option of restricting the data area. Choosing user data, allows you to choose between "All", "UPMGMT", "USERS" or "IPUSERS". Select master data if you wish to select from "All", "Technology" or " ETIM 6.0".
  • Data type (only for export of objects): The values available here depend on your selected data type.
    If you have selected the data type "Product data", you can decide whether you want to export all data, only the product families or the products.
    If you have selected the data type "Master data", you can decide whether you want to export everything, or only the parameter definitions, object definitions or the structured types.
  • Data area (only for export of data objects, media objects, product types, publications, structured types, media object variant download): Here you can select from which data area to export.
  • Classification (only when exporting categories): Here you can select a classification, if necessary, provided that you had created multiple classifications in your system. By doing so, you determine whether or not to export the categories from all classifications, or only from a specific one.
  • Parameter definition area (only when exporting parameter definitions): Here you can select the area from which you want to export the parameter definitions. You can choose between "Global" and your own data areas.
  • Media type (only when exporting media objects): Here you can decide if you want to only export pictures, only videos, only documents, or all media types.
  • Text conditions (only when exporting dictionary entries): Here you can, for example, enter a word that must be contained in the texts to be exported.
  • Mapping System (only for Mapping-Eyport): Here you can select which mapping should be exported.
  • Variant (only for Media object variant download): Here you can select which variant of the media objects should be exported. You can choose between All, Original version, Preview image and Large preview image.
  • Attribute conditions: Here you can further restrict the texts to be exported by referring to their attributes. This is intended for ANTEROS configuration experts.


The options available here also depend on your choice of export type. Some options are only displayed if you activate the expert mode.
  • File should be re-importable: 
    When this checkbox is selected, the first line of the exported Excel file contains controls (keys). This row is initially hidden in the Excel file to prevent accidental manipulation. However, when editing this kind of Excel table, the row should be displayed to ensure that the key fits the corresponding information column below. 
  • 2nd row contains column caption: If activated, then the parameter names are output in the 2nd line of the export file.
  • Column names in operating language: If activated, the column labels will be translated in the operating language. If not activated, the column labels will be translated in the selected language.
  • No language in the name, if only one is selected: If activated, no language is mentioned in the caption line of a translatable field if only one export language has been selected.
  • No background color: If activated, the rows will not have a background color. This significantly reduces the size of Excel files with many empty cells. If not enabled, then every second row will have a light gray background.
  • Export inherited parameter values: When selected, the parameter values that were inherited from a higher level are also exported. The standard ANTEROS configuration will then also export the values of products when exporting products.
  • Export value codes to a separate column: If activated, the value codes get their own column.
  • Export all values in one cell: If activated, values or value codes of objects, which have several values (codes) for one object, are output in one cell. For example, the values "Navi" and "Headupdisplay" for the parameter "Extras" are then displayed in a cell as "Navi|Headupdisplay" for product X1.
    If not activated, a new row is created for each value(ecode), therefore in the example one row with value "Navi" and one with "Headupdisplay" are created. In this case the values are repeated in the columns ID, Code and Name, so that the relation of the values to the object is clear. So, in the example, the Name column contains "X1".
    Note: for parameters with sub-parameters (so-called structured parameters), however, the following applies: one row is created per structured value.
  • Export references to the GOM DTD: Export the URI to the GOM DTD in the first XML meta element.
  • Name, Description,... export: Export the name, short name, description and synonyms of each object.
  • Export translations: Export dictionary entries with all details (attributes, translations) for each name, short name, description, synonym and translatable parameter value.
  • Export all available translations: If enabled, then all available translations in all languages will be exported, regardless of the languages selected below.
  • Export parameters: If activated, all available parameters will be exported.
  • Export parameter values: If enabled, all available parameter values will be exported.
  • Export publication assignments: If enabled, all available publication associations will be exported.
  • Export media associations: If activated, all available media associations will be exported.
  • Export relations: If activated, all available relations will be exported.
  • Attributes to suppress: A list of attributes that should be ignored. Elements can be a name of an attribute that should be ignored or a regular expression, e.g. "pkw_.*". Note that attribute names are case sensitive and some attributes are written differently depending on the context, e.g. "modificationDate" for dsa element "object" and "modificationdate" for the elements "scope" and 2propertyDefinition".
  • Export workflow status: Export workflow status for each data element.
  • Character encoding: The character encoding of the XML file. If many special characters are used (e.g. for texts in languages like Russian, Chinese or Greek), then you can select a Unicode encoding here (UTF-8 or UTF-16) so that the special characters are not XML encoded (e.g. "ł").
  • Format XML file: The XML file can be formatted with indentations and line breaks to make it more convenient to read.
  • Indentation character: Characters for indentation when foraming the XML file. Control characters like "\t" cannot be used, but special characters like a tab can be inserted e.g. by copy&paste.
  • Export unmapped elements (only for mapping export): For existing elements like categories or parameters, for which no mapping exists yet, a mapping without target will be exported. This can be used to fill mapping gaps.
  • Export global parameter mapping gaps (only for mapping export): Determine and export global parameter mapping gaps. This can be used to close gaps in global parameter mappings.
  • Only export translations with status (only for data object translation export): Export only translations with this status. Here you can choose between "Translation needed", "In translation", "Ready for release" and "Released".
  • Export local translations only (only when exporting data object translations): If enabled, only direct translations such as the name, description or translated parameter values will be exported. If deactivated, the translations of linked objects such as accessories or categories will also be exported.
  • Automatic translation via DeepL: The text in the master language is automatically translated in a separate column via DeepL. The additional column is colored in blue (The automatic translation was additionally set as the current translation because it was not translated yet.), orange (The automatic and current translation are different.), green (The automatic and current translation are the same.) and white (The text in the master language was not automatically translated.).
  • Export old text of the master language with: If enabled, then in addition to the current text in the master language, the previous translation will also be exported in a separate column.
  • Set status in all exported texts: Here you can select a status to be set in all exported texts. The available statuses are "No status change", "Translation required", "In translation", "Ready for release" and "Released".


Here you can select the languages in which you want to carry out the export. If you only want to select one language, do so using the drop-down list "Language". The list "Other languages" allows you to add any number of additional languages.


Here you can name your export file before export. By default, a name based on the selected export types is generated here. If you specify your own file name, its validity will be checked.  You can also control whether the date and time addition should be appended or not.

Execution settings

Here you can add a note to your export and decide whether you want to start the export directly or specify a start time.
If you uncheck "Start directly", you can specify the execution date and time. After planning the process, you will be notified by a short note at the top of the screen. The note is used to later identify the process in the process monitor.
You can find more information about the process monitor in the corresponding subchapter under "Administration". You can also decide whether the process should be repeated and at which intervals.
In addition, you can decide whether you want to receive an e-mail after the process has been completed. You can also specify several e-mail addresses, which must then be separated by a comma/semicolon.
Finally, you can select one or more locations to which the result file(s) will be additionally copied after a successful export. These locations must have been set up beforehand.
Once you have started the print generation, it is also possible to pause it again.

Export profile

Create an export profile

A new export profile for MS-Excel files can be created in which it can be specified which columns should be included in the export file.
Create a new export profile by clicking the new icon on the right-hand side.
A new window will open in which you can specifically select the type of data that should be exported with this export profile. 
At this point you can choose whether the profile created should be public or not. Public profiles can be edited by all users. Profiles that are not publicly available can only be edited or made public by the user who made it. Make your selection by using the radio buttons marked "private" and "public".

First, you can assign a name to the new export profile in the top input field. It is recommended to choose a descriptive name to be able to clearly distinguish this profile from the others. On the left side you will see the four main categories "General", "Texts", "Media" and "Parameters". Using the arrows next to the category name, you can further expand them and assign individual elements and sometimes entire subcategories to the export profile. You can search the tree until you find the appropriate attribute, or you can use the search field above the tree. The already assigned items are highlighted in blue in the tree and displayed on the right side. You can change the order of the selected attributes by drag&drop.


Edit and remove export profiles

Only certain export profiles can be edited and deleted. This does not include, for example, the standard export profiles such as "Name and possible parameters" or "Basic data". You can already see in the export form whether an export profile is intended for editing or for deletion. If this is the case and you have selected the corresponding export profile from the drop-down list, an edit and a delete button will appear next to the button for creating a new profile.
If you delete an export profile or change a private export profile to a public one, the old export profile will be completely deleted from the configuration.
Selecting the Edit button opens the same window as when creating an export profile. Name, public settings and assigned attributes can be edited. 

Selecting the delete button prompts a small dialog box in which the deletion must be confirmed.



You can find the item "Import" in the ""Import-Export"" menu. From here you can run Excel imports of objects, categories, parameter definitions and dictionary entries. Different import options are available depending on the type of import selected.

Import Type

The import type determines which type of data is to be imported. The following types are available:
  • Excel/CSV Import of Objects
  • Excel/CSV import of categories
  • Excel/CSV import of parameter definitions
  • Excel/CSV import of media objects
  • Excel/CSV import of dictionary entries
  • BMEcat import
  • Excel/CSV imoprt of product types
  • GOM XML import
  • Mapping import
  • Media File Import

The GOM XML import can be used to import complex data, such as entire classifications, from other systems. In addition, it can be used to correct or delete data in a targeted manner. Regular data exports in the GOM-XML format can also be used in terms of a data backup and in case of an emergency, the data can be restored. The DOM-XML files can be opened in a conventional text editor (recommendation: Notepad++ with XML extension or a web browser).


The options available here also depend on your choice of import type:
  • Second row contains column captions:
    If enabled, then the 2nd row of the Excel file will not be considered a content row, but a column label and thus ignored. Otherwise the row is considered as relevant content.
  • Allow creation of new objects:
    If activated, then main objects that do not yet exist in the database are created.
    If deactivated, only existing objects are updated by the import.
  • Only create new, not changing existing:
    This option is a sub-option of "Allow creation of new objects" and is therefore only visible if this option is activated.
    If the option "Only create new, not changing existing" is activated, then only new main objects will be created, already existing ones will not be updated.
    If not activated, then new main objects will be created and already existing ones will be updated.
  • Create new related objects if required:
    If activated, then linked objects such as accessories, categories or media objects will be created (without content) if they do not yet exist. These can be filled with content later. e.g. by uploading media files or editing accessory products.
    If disabled, only links to existing objects can be created.
  • Create dictionary entries on demand:
    If activated, dictionary entries of translatable fields such as name, description or translatable parameters will be newly created if they do not already exist.
    If not activated, only existing dictionary entries will be updated.
  • Allow changing multiple used texts:
    If enabled, then changes to multiple-use teletext will be allowed. These text changes will be applied to all usage points. If disabled, then changes to multiple used texts will not be made. This can be used to prevent unintentional text changes that would also affect other objects.
  • Tolerate non-existent objects and default values:
    If activated, then only a warning is issued if linked objects do not exist or parameter definitions or default values of parameter values do not exist. All other data will be accepted.
  • Add values:
    If enabled, values of parameters or parameter definitions will be added during import, thus complementing the existing values.
    If disabled, the existing values are updated one position at a time with those from the import file, so the first value in the import file updates the first value in the object, and so on.
  • Multiple values per cell (Excel import only):
    If enabled, then an attempt is made to extract multiple values (codes) from a cell using the specified separator. Among other things, multiple values for a parameter in a cell can be separated by "|", e.g. "red|green|blue", resulting in 3 values.
    If disabled, then cell contents are always taken as a whole.
  • Multiple links per cell:
    If activated, then the contents of code cells of linked objects are separated with the set separator in order to import several via one cell.
  • Add relation / reference:
    If enabled, then relations will be added during import. For example, importing 2 accessories will add them to the existing list of accessories for the product.
    If deactivated, the existing relations are updated position by position, e.g. the first accessory part on the product is updated with the first accessory in the import file. This may be used to change the target object of the existing relations, while preserving the parameters on the relation, such as the number or the position.
  • Allow Recoding (Excel import only):
    If enabled, it is possible to change the code of objects or values with an import.
    If disabled and the code that has been changed in the import file is only reported.
  • Delete empty cells (Excel import only):
    If enabled, the fields of empty cells will be deleted, so. e.g. parameter values or default values can be deleted by empty cells.
    If disabled, then empty cells are ignored and do not result in changes.
  • Import relations (only for BMEcat import): If enabled, then product references are imported as relations. If disabled, then product references are ignored and not imported.
  • Download media files (only for BMEcat import): If activated, then linked media files are automatically downloaded and imported. This requires the specification "MIME_ROOT" in the header of the MBEcat file. If disabled, then media links are imported normally. If the corresponding media objects do not exist, then empty ones can be automatically created for them by enabling the "Create linked objects on demand" option.
  • Ignore DTD (only for GOM XML import): If enabled, then the DTD stored in the XML file will be ignored, thus not crashing the import if the file could not be found. In this case default values of attributes are ignored, this concerns the attributes "optional" and "searchable". These should be present in the XML file.
  • Replace parameter definitions if type is changed (only for GOM XML import): If enabled, then parameter definitions will be replaced (removed or recreated) if their type is changed by the import and there are values based on them. This removes all values based on it to allow type change.
  • Allow duplicate media with same content (media file import only): Check this option to allow multiple media assets with different names but the same content. If disabled, uploaded media files will be rejected if a media asset with different name and same content already exists.
  • Overwrite existing media files (only for media file import): If enabled, existing media files will be overwritten and replaced by the newly imported ones.
  • Allow type change of existing media files (only for media file import): If enabled, then the type of already existing media files will be changed when the same files are re-imported with a new type.

    Main objects, as well as linked objects such as categories or accessories can be deleted using an empty code. In the case of linked objects, only the link is deleted, not the linked object itself.
    If the main object is to be deleted via an empty code and there are non-empty fields for it such as parameter values, then the object will first be deleted and recreated if the option to "create on demand" is enabled. The new object created in this way will then only have the imported fields.
  • Calculate data of linked objects (Excel import only):
    This option controls whether data checks are performed on linked data objects, media objects, categories, publications, or product types. If " Automatically" is selected, data checks will only be performed if the linked objects have been modified, not on newly created objects. If " Always" is selected, data checks are always performed on linked objects, not on newly created objects. If "Never" is selected, data checks are never performed on linked objects.
  • Check data of linked objects (Excel import only):
    This option controls whether data calculations are performed on linked data objects, media objects, categories, publications, or product types. If "Automatically" is selected, data calculations will be performed when the linked objects have been changed. With " Always", data calculations are always performed on linked objects. With "Never", data calculations are never performed on linked objects.
  • Only simulate import:
    If activated, the data will be imported as normal, but all changes per object will be immediately undone.
    So the data import is simulated and you can look at the messages without changing the database.
    If the change report is enabled, then you can view the changes that would be made if the import had not been simulated.

    The changes made may appear in other sessions in the meantime during the simulated import. For example, if you simulated delete products, a product may be missing from a maintenance list if the product list is loaded at the same moment as the product is deleted via simulated import.
  • Create change report:
    If enabled, a change report will be provided as an Excel file with all changes made. In simulation mode, a change report is also created with the changes that would have been made.
  • CSV separator (CSV import only):
    If the "CSV" format is selected, then this separator is used to interpret the cells in the CSV file. Common characters here are "," or ";".
    If any other character is used in the CSV file than the one specified here, then each row will be considered as one cell, which will surely cause the import to fail.
  • Encoding (CSV import only):
    If the imported CSV file contains special characters like umlauts or even Chinese or Cyrillic characters, then the encoding that the CSV file is based on must be specified here. If not, special characters will be decoded incorrectly and thus misinterpreted, which usually leads to "?" instead of the special characters. Western European texts are usually encoded in "Win-ANSI" or "ISO Latin-1". Files with Chinese, Russian or Greek characters are usually encoded with "UTF-8" or "UTF-16" (both Unicode). CSV files saved by Excel as "Unicode Text" use the encoding "UTF-16".
  • Keyword Search Index / Parameter Search Index Update Mode (XML import only):
    This can be used to control whether the keyword or parameter search index is only updated when needed ("Update search index automatically"), always ("Always update search index") or not ("Do not update search index").
    Updating the search indexes takes some time depending on the amount of data. Suppressing the update can be useful if you import several files with the same data objects, e.g. first parameter values, then categories, then texts etc.. So you can import the first files without updating the search indexes and only force their update on the last import.

Import Source

Here you can select the file you want to import from your computer. There are three different types of import source:
  • Uploading a file directly from your computer
  • Upload multiple files from your computer
  • Uploading a Hot Folder
  • Downloading a file specified by a URL

When uploading multiple files, they are not uploaded immediately, but are first collected in a list, from which you can remove unnecessary files beforehand. During uploading, a progress bar is displayed behind each file. After uploading, all files can be imported at once. ZIP files are automatically unpacked and the contained files are imported.

Execution settings

Here you can add a note to your import and decide whether you want to start the import directly or specify a start time. If you uncheck the "Start directly" box, you can add a rerun for the import and decide after how many days the import should be executed again.

Excel/CSV import without control line

When importing data objects from Excel, if you upload an Excel file that does not have a control line for mapping columns to fields, you can now select an import profile for column mapping or create a new one. Moreover, in this case it is necessary to specify what kind of data and which data type is involved.

Example: Excel file with article prices (column "Article number" and "Price"):
After uploading this Excel file, in the import window it will be extended to include elements for specifying the data type and you can choose or create import profiles:
A new import profile can be created by clicking the New button. A window will open that shows the first lines of the uploaded Excel file:
A suitable field must be specified for each column you wish to import. Using the Edit button in each column, a field can be selected via the field selection tree already known from the export profiles:
It is important to ensure that at least the "Code" field is assigned, otherwise the data object being updated cannot be identified during import. Finally, a meaningful profile name must be entered in order to save the new import profile:
Before the Excel file can finally be imported, the data type and the data format must be selected in the import mask:
If the data type is selected before the import profile is created, the type-specific fields are also provided in the field selection tree of the assignment dialog. In addition, the new import profile is only available for objects of the data type in the import mask.

Thus, the import of the Excel file can be performed as usual:

Media file import via hotfolder

The " Media file import" import type gives you the option of importing media files to the server via hotfolder. A prerequisite for this procedure is that hot folders have been set up on the server.

After selecting the appropriate import type, a hot folder must be selected as the import source. You can change the name of the import archive if you want. By default, the name of the selected hot folder is used. The final import archive file will have the specified name, extended by the date and time of creation. Additionally, you can select whether all imported files should be included in the archive and whether archives should always be unpacked. In addition, the option "Start directly" must be taken out in the execution settings and the repetition must be set as desired.

It is recommended to specify a note for better assignment in the process monitor and in the e-mails. If the e-mail dispatch is activated, then an e-mail is sent out once initially and thereafter only when media files appear in the hot folder after they have been processed.

After starting or scheduling the import with the mentioned information, this process will appear in the Process Monitor in the "Scheduled" tab:
With each run there will be a check to see if there are any importable files in the hotfolder. If not, the program waits the duration set at "Repeat" again. If files are encountered, they will be processed and an e-mail will be sent upon completion, if this has been previously enabled.

As usual, completed import operations are listed in the "Completed" tab in the Process Monitor. By clicking the Result button you can see how many media files have been processed:
As usual, you can download all process messages and errors via the import archive. If individual media files could only be processed incorrectly, then these media files with errors are also included in the import archive so that they can be corrected and reimported if necessary.

Import Change Report

You can have a change report created as an Excel file during the Excel and GOM XML import. This contains all essential changes that were made by the import.

Example: Changing two parameters by Excel import:
To do this, the "Create change report" option must be selected in the import form. If the import was successful, you can download the result file as well as the usual import archive. This contains the change report.

In the following example you can see that the two parameters "Price [€]" and "A [mm]" have been changed. You can also see a change to the "Action price [€]" parameter. This was changed by a calculation rule. This means that you can see all the changes that have actually been made, as well as the changes that have been made automatically.
The change report is also included in the import archive, allowing you to check retrospectively which actual changes were made by an import.

It is also possible to create a change report if you are only simulating an import. This way, before the actual import, you can look at all the actual changes that would be made with that import.
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